
Dental Extractions

A dental extraction is the removal of teeth. This is a common treatment for teeth that have decayed beyond restoration and dental trauma. It is also common with braces as it is needed to make space for realignment when there is overcrowding of teeth.

dental extractions

What is a dental extractions?

A dental extraction is the removal of teeth. This is a common treatment for teeth that have decayed beyond restoration and dental trauma. It is also common with braces as it is needed to make space for realignment when there is overcrowding of teeth.

Wisdom tooth extraction may also be necessary if your wisdom teeth are growing in an obstructive way that causes pain. In certain cases, stitches may be needed to close the wound.

General Questions
Is there a need to be sedated for dental extractions?

Most of the time dental extractions can be done while patients are awake using local anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia blocks the pain temporarily and is administered through an injection to the gums. You will still be able to feel the mechanical sensations of the tooth being removed though it may not be painful. After the tooth is extracted, a bite pack will be issued to apply pressure on the socket to stop the bleeding.

If you are intending to do many dental extractions at once, it is advisable to do it under sedation instead of local anaesthesia.

What after care is there for dental extractions?

Eat soft, cool foods for a few days after the extraction and gently rinse your mouth with salt water to keep the wound clean. Do not remove the blood clot that forms where the tooth used to be. Let the wound rest and heal. Most of the swelling and bleeding ends within 2 days, but the initial healing process takes at minimum 2 weeks.

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