
How Long Does It Take To Put Braces On?

Put Braces On

How Long Does It Take To Put Braces On?

Considering getting braces to straighten misaligned teeth or crooked teeth is quite a daunting task. However, innovations in the dentistry have transformed the orthodontic journey. Placing braces by exerting gentle pressure over the teeth has various benefits, including an ever-shine smile, boosting confidence and improving overall health conditions. 

Once you have started taking the orthodontic treatment, you’ll discover that a world of innovation and precision in orthodontic care has emerged. With proper care and follow-ups with orthodontists, you’ll get a personalised treatment plan that resolves various dental conditions, including bite problems, uneven space, and alignment issues. Get ready to embark on a journey towards a brighter, more confident smile. In this piece of content, we’re discussing steps to getting braces. 

First Consultation with Orthodontist 

The braces procedure starts with a consultation with an orthodontist. During this step, the orthodontist will get a brief overview of dental health conditions and thoroughly evaluate gums, teeth and jaw structure. You may need to perform X-rays and digital scans to obtain detailed information about your teeth’s alignment, and accordingly, the orthodontist will suggest the best brace treatment. 

Treatment Planning

Based on the evaluation of oral examination and X-ray findings, the orthodontist will make a customised treatment plan for addressing dental health issues. During this phase, the orthodontist will suggest the braces (Metal, Lingual and ceramic braces) based on oral health conditions. Some people may require additional dental procedures like retainers during orthodontic treatment. 

Choosing the Right Braces

You will be lucky enough to have many options available in braces, from traditional braces to clear aligners, each rendering unique benefits and aesthetics. Yeah, metallic braces are a more cost-effective in orthodontic treatment than other advanced options. However, ceramic braces are a more advanced and discreet option to be used with tooth-coloured resin brackets that blend seamlessly with the teeth. 

Braces Placement

Once you’ve chosen the braces with the proper guidance from an orthodontist for addressing dental issues, the process of placing braces starts at this stage. Dental adhesive is a dental appliance often used to adhere tiny brackets to the front of each tooth in ceramic and traditional metal braces.

Adjustments and Progress Monitoring

Individuals must visit the dentist’s clinic frequently for regular adjustments and progress monitoring during orthodontic treatment. During the regular visits, the orthodontists will suggest making minor adjustments with braces, like tightening the wires or replacing elastic bands. The progression report of jaw structure and teeth alignment will be examined through periodic examinations to determine whether the treatment works effectively. 

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

When you’ve placed braces in your teeth, you must maintain regular oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing and mouthwashing to protect your wires and teeth from damage. Your orthodontist may recommend special dental equipment, such as interdental brushes and floss threaders, to clear the nearby vicinity of brackets and wires.  

Dietary Considerations 

After placing the braces, individuals must be restricted with dietary considerations during orthodontic treatment to protect wires or brackets from damage. Avoid hard, stuck and chewy food items as they may enhance the risk of breaking or braces. You can eat soft food items like yoghurt, mashed potatoes and upma for quick and efficient results. 

Managing Discomfort 

You may go through discomfort, soreness, and pain just after the placement or brace adjustments. Orthodontic wax and over-the-counter painkillers reduce discomfort and pain to some extent. 

Embracing Your New Smile

Now it’s time to say a big goodbye to your braces and enjoy the new smile you’ve desired for a long time. You’ll feel confident and accomplished with a beautiful and healthy smile. You must follow oral hygiene practices to receive long-lasting benefits from brace treatment. 

How Much Does It Cost To Get Braces?

It is a common question that comes into everyone’s mind during the first orthodontic treatment consultation. It is worth mentioning that the cost of getting braces is not the same for everyone because it depends on various factors such as brace types, orthodontic location and severity of dental problems. 

It’s better to consult your orthodontist to know the exact cost of fixing braces. Remember that many orthodontists offer flexible payment plans or financing options for the ease of patients so that they get the proper orthodontic treatment at the right time. Moreover, dental insurance may cover a fraction of braces treatment costs, cutting out-of-pocket expenses. To avoid a last-minute rush, you must have a healthy discussion with your orthodontist about the costs and expenses of your braces treatment plan and manage finances accordingly.  

Wrapping It Up

Hoping that after reading the content from top to bottom. You’ve clearly understood how to fix braces for addressing crooked or misaligned teeth. After getting braces on, you’ll notice that your teeth are now in their desired position with proper jaw alignment and structure. 

Orthodontic treatment will give you a complete smile makeover that boosts confidence, self-esteem, and much more. Visit the dentist regularly for braces adjustments and to cross-check whether the braces are working effectively or not. Many orthodontists offer flexible payment plans or financing options for the feasibility of patients or reducing the financial burden. 


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